Butterscotch Bunny Barn

Rabbit Rescue and Sanctuary


We are a rabbit rescue and sanctuary located in Rio Rancho, NM. We offer a safe, loving environment for unwanted rabbits in need of good food, shelter and care. Breeding of rabbits is discouraged as there are already too many homeless or neglected rabbits. But enjoying rabbits as pets, especially as house rabbits is encouraged. Rabbits can be litter-box trained and make enjoyable family pets.  Please visit http://www.rabbit.org for more information on the care of house rabbits. Feel free to explore our website and come back and visit as we add new information often. Welcome!

Currently we have several rabbits in our sanctuary. Please read their stories below. We  have facilities to care for any rabbits in need of rescuing, fostering, or long term/life care. Please contact us Butterscotch_Bunny_Barn@Yahoo.com for assistance.

Schubert, a 1 1/2 year old Mini-Lop, was thought to be a boy before coming to live in the Sanctuary, so she was named after Franz Schubert, since she seemed to enjoy classical music. But even after knowing 'he' was really a 'she', her name stuck. Schubert was an Easter gift for some children. After a couple months, the children got bored and the parents got tired of caring for her, so they begged someone to come take her away or they'd be forced to turn her loose in the woods. (Something that should never be done to any domesticated rabbit). Schubert is a rabbit with attitude and is very smart, but also very loving and friendly. She has traveled to local parks and been our Ambassador Rabbit. She is very patient with children, who fall in love with her 'funny ears' and cute expression.

Lyra, a 3 year old Mini-Rex, was thought to be a boy, by her previous owners, but she is definetly a princess girl! Her first 2 years of life were spent in a tiny guinea pig cage, without any exercise and fed mostly Cheerios. No hay, pellets or fresh veggies. Her previous owners finally realized that giving her up was the right thing to do. She has really blossomed under our care, and bonded with one of our other rabbits, Schubert, too. She is a sweet lap bunny who likes to give kisses and snuggles.  

Schubert Super Bunny is always available to save the day and help any rabbits that come to share her home here at the rabbit sanctuary. She is always ready to visit children and adults to share her "Easter Bunny" story, as well as rabbit information. Schubert wants everyone to know that rabbits are beautiful, intelligent, gentle, long-lived sensitive creatures who deserve love and proper care.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   We are always grateful to have donations such as cages, puppy pens, fencing, crates, timothy hay, rabbit pellets, Oxbow Critical Care(for sick or weak bunnies), Simethicone(for gas), apple tree leaves and branches, water bottles, litterboxes, bleach, vinegar, timothy hay cubes, toys (balls w/bells, bird toys, etc), large tubing such a concrete forms.

Thank you for considering donating to the Butterscotch Bunny Barn.

Thank you 'binkies' from all the rabbits!

Please contact us at: Butterscotch_Bunny_Barn@Yahoo.com


Ms Charlotte, a 7 year old English Spot Mix, came to us from a University Agriculture Breeding Program. When she was too old to breed, she was on her way to a local Soup Kitchen to be turned into "Brunswick Stew". Someone at the University felt she deserved more than such a tragic end to her life and saved her, and then asked us to care for her. She is a very affectionate and loving rabbit.

Liberty, a one year old English Spot mix, was dropped off by a 'backyard breeder' who had over 100 rabbits. Apparently Liberty's colors didn't turn out the way the breeder wanted and Liberty was cast off. She had a torn off toe from being kept on a wire bottom cage as a baby kit. Interestingly enough her markings came in a few months later......an eagle spread across her back. Ironically, she came to live with us on July 4th (Independance Day, which is how she got her name), so such a striking eagle marking seems only appropriate! Liberty is a spunky spirited gal who requires a gentle and patient manner. She does not care to be held, though she does enjoy nose and cheek rubs. She is an independant soul who does have a soft affectionate side, too.   

When Liberty first came to the sanctuary, she instantly bonded with Lyra. Liberty followed Lyra everywhere! Thankfully, sweet affectionate Lyra didn't mind.

Do you want to know what your rabbit is saying and how to communicate with your bunny?


Interactive Bunny Care Quiz: What will you feed your rabbit?